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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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PP do please take care.  I know you like pushing yourself but I think taking things just a BIT easier is called for xx

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PP  I can remember when master had his heart attack slow down  just take note of what members are telling you, your body has got to heal so chill........................... 

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7 hours ago, Brew said:


Where on earth does he go, and what does he do to catch it three times?

Hi Brew my son's job his electrical design engineering and he has to visit different sltes. He also said  the place where he works that about 40% are off. with covid.

Where he goe's. Well now he's over 21 its  best not to ask.

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7 hours ago, PeverilPeril said:

Just returned from a short stay in Stoke cardiology dept. No procedures done this time - just more pills and can't drive for a month.

Our trip to Somerset for Christmas with the family postponed for a while.

I'm lucky - two of the guys in my ward will still be there on Christmas day.





PP,  Please do as you are told!! I know you love your rowing etc.. and I'm convinced that we should all take sensible exercise, appropriate to our age, fitness and current health..  So,  to use an old expression 'have a minute!!'.


Hope you get better soon.

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12 hours ago, Brew said:

what does he do to catch it three times?


The vaccine does not protect you from getting covid, it just lessens the symptoms, my mates Son plays for an English League Two side, they get tested everyday, twice on match day, they are getting between 2 to 5 positive tests a day from lads that have no symptoms whatsoever, who could & would play? 


Herd immunity could have been the right answer? 

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Take care PP. You need to exercise a little slower and gentler  now you are of a certain age. All the best Miduck  it will soon be spring and you can get out on the reservoir in your little boat with your fishing rod , and dream of catching that big one. x


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Did a carefully measured and monitored 30 min on the bike and 2k on the rower before breakfast. Felt good, so the new medication is working. My HR would not rise a few days ago but it rose normally this morning.

At 83 my heart is still good - its the aging arteries that are the problem. So, leading the planned fishing day on Monday is still on.

I have always believed that appropriate exercise cures or helps just about everything. I have several dead friends that thought I was a bit silly.


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I agree PP about exercise, we still get out every  morning when possible for our 'Tow path cycling', though in the winter we only cycle a circular route, taking just over one hour from leaving home. The cold weather can have a bad effect on my AF. It has been a very unhealthy twelve months for me, but we do love our bike rides when we get out. Hubbs always reckons if it wasn't for the cycling we might not be here now! :Shock:

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Couldn't agree more, Peveril. Just had an early Christmas present of labrynthitis. Three days flat out in bed unable to sit up because of the dizzyness and nausea. Food intake for three days - one slice of toast. Dr put me on prochlorperazine maleate, which is an unpronounceable Godsend. Managed to totter round the house yesterday, and today waiting for a follow-up call from the doctor. May go for a walk round the ponds later. Definitely no bike rides just yet.

I feel immense sympathy for anyone who suffers from Migraine!

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I'm sorry to hear of your problem. A friend of mine had that a couple of times. Very, very unpleasant. She was warned it does tend to recur.  Hope you're soon feeling better.


I had migraines in my teenage years and early 20s. Not much fun.  They followed on from a very strange sensation I suffered between the ages of 12 and 14 which no one understood at the time but I now realize was something called Alice In Wonderland Syndrome or Todd's Syndrome. It's a form of frontal lobe epilepsy which usually afflicts children for a short period of time but can go on to cause migraine.


These episodes, which usually occured in the middle of the night, were terrifying. I was eventually carted off to see the quack: an elderly Scottish lady who asked me to describe what I was experiencing. I couldn't put it into words but said it felt as though time and space had been distorted and my body was no longer of this world.


"It sounds like you've been watching too much Star Trek!" she smiled.  She told my mother I was too highly strung and would probably grow out of the terrifying incidents. I did. They stopped as suddenly as they started.  I wouldn't like to experience another!

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1 hour ago, Jill Sparrow said:

I couldn't put it into words but said it felt as though time and space had been distorted and my body was no longer of this world.

I have to say that the weirdest thing after starting these tablets, were strange images when I closed my eyes. Wouldn't not take them though. You have to put one in your upper gum for an hour to dissolve - not to be swallowed. I accidentally touched one with my tongue - revolting. Also, got a (slight) headache in my forehead. As they tell us, there are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio.

I'll keep some of the tablets in reserve, along with my gout pills!

Christmas eve is full of noise here - all three girls at home, working out how to wind grandma up when she comes down. I don't know where they get it from?

Have a peaceful, pleasant Christmas all of you - however you are spending it.

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In hindsight, although I would have done almost anything to stop those peculiar episodes at the time, I'm very grateful that the doctor didn't pursue it further, as would happen these days. Goodness only knows what sort of medication I'd have been fed and the effects it may have had.


As it was, I suspect when mum and I left the surgery, the quack wrote, "Round the twist! Manning pupil. Will probably end up teaching maths!"

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Teadimg your post Jill, it reminded me of a strange sensation I sometimes used to get around that age.  It’s hard to describe but it was as though my hands, especially my fingers were too ‘thick’ - also my mouth.  Then I had a picture of a car tyre slowly rolling over something crackly - a bit like brandy snap  - and exuding a horrible sickly smell.  I was always awake at the time although lying in bed.

So there you have it, MargieH is definitely weird :crazy: 


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That sounds like something similar. Apparently, girls are slightly more prone to it than boys.  I used to wake in the night with it. I'd get out of bed and try to run to my parents' bedroom, except I couldn't run. It felt like slow motion or wading through treacle. Everything was distorted. When I eventually got there, I used to shout, "Talk to me! It doesn't matter what you say, just talk to me and it will go away!"


My father would sit up in bed with that look on his face that said, "Fruitcake!" It frightened my mother which is why she eventually consulted the GP.


Most sufferers cannot describe in words what they are experiencing and I was no exception.


Only once, it happened as I was walking along Gregory Boulevard to Manning one morning. The traffic passing by on the road was totally distorted in sound and for a few minutes, I was paralysed. I leaned on a garden wall, shut my eyes and just talked to myself...utter rubbish but hearing someone speak often made it go away.


Maybe I'm a head case but it was quite terrifying when it happened and I'm glad it eventually disappeared.

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Oddly, I woke up with earache. As usual. Left ear. Makes me a bit dizzy too bit mercifully not full on vertigo..which is horrible

On a brighter note.  ...unless you are a small garden bird...this chap appeared on the back fence earlier.

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So, Jill, it seems we both belong to the same club. ….. ‘strange sensory experiences in childhood’ 

I expect they were hormone related (or perhaps we’ve been visited by aliens :Shock:)

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Any can opener that will open those bloody flat Fray Bentos tins. Ours is a Culinair one touch. Now she wants a washing machine, a microwave and a new cooker. Will it ever stop !

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Peaceful Christmas and a great New Year. God Bless mate.

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Just wanted to say thank you for your friendship and companionship since October 2018.



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