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I'm pleased all went well for Tina. I'm sure the organisation knows what it's doing. My sister has very recently been diagnosed with a B12 deficiency, prompting further investigations. The eye problems may be related to that.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I had the cataract removed from my left eye 22 years ago and the result was wonderful.  Also the op never hurt at all!

I now have a cataract in my right eye but the eye doctors have said it’s probably not worth having it done as cataracts aren’t my main problem …. It’s  macular degeneration which is causing my poor eyesight.

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@LizzieMBit late to the party, but hope things go well for hubby. I was diagnosed with AFib while going through an ECG during my pre-op assessment for my prostate removal, with the result that I’m on pills for the rest of my life, so he has my sympathy!


This getting old thing isn’t all it’s cracked-up to be

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2 hours ago, MargieH said:

I had the cataract removed from my left eye 22 years ago and the result was wonderful.  Also the op never hurt at all!

I now have a cataract in my right eye but the eye doctors have said it’s probably not worth having it done as cataracts aren’t my main problem …. It’s  macular degeneration which is causing my poor eyesight.

I gave you a like Margie for the successful result of the cataract removal 22 years ago but sorry to read about the macular degeneration, and for that I give you a big hug :bighug:



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Hope alls not too bad Margie if it aint one thing its another my back is starting to bother me slows me down working on the cars and gardening which i like so much waiting to see a back specialist but who knows when.

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Hows my day ? cold, wet and miserable. I  have just lit the fire to try and warm up my old creaking bones, I was hoping to spend time in my garage today but its even colder in there, but never mind I am sure the gaffer will find me a nice pleasant job to keep me occupied (out of her way). Aint I lucky roll on summer.

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Firstly @LizzieM, I've not looked in for a few days so I'm also late to the party. I do hope everything gets resolved for your Hubby as soon as possible.

My brother has AF and at present it seems to be better as a result of ablation and drug treatment.  I don't have AF, but did have two episodes 2008 and 2010, both diagnosed as strokes. At first I thought they'd only temporarily affected my arm, but Mrs Col assured me that they'd also affected me cognitively and emotionally.  However.. all seems to have resolved over time and I'm back to being just a straightforward old misery..  I sincerely hope your Hubby has equally positive outcomes.


As for my day.  Like everybody else I'm just resigned to the fact that it will never stop raining ever again...:(..or if it does it will only be for long enough to lure people out and about before it drowns them again.  It's being so cheerful keeps me going..:laugh:


I do recall some years ago, reading a prediction that Global Warming would cause the UK to experience colder and wetter summers. The reason given then was that we are actually warmer than most countries at our latitude, because of the effects of the Gulf Stream, the sea current which runs from south to north up the Atlantic. The theory was that the Gulf Stream, which is actually driven by COLD water from the Arctic, running south and causing warmer water to run north, could actually stop, if the Arctic warmed enough.  We don't seem to hear much about the Gulf Stream these days. 

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I agree Trogg cold raining and much so being 'Hard' thought i'd get me 'Bike' out and 'go for it''........only did about a mile.....wet thru...and knackered.......i must be mad to have thought i was hard''....i'll go back to me 'Music'............:crazy:

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19 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

.so much so being 'Hard'

Your from Bestwood Estate so you  must be "hard"

Well what happened to me then, I am sitting in front of the fire whinging.

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2 hours ago, DJ360 said:

I do recall some years ago, reading a prediction that Global Warming would cause the UK to experience colder and wetter summers.


I remember many years ago reading of a proposed  Russian tidal barrier scheme that would change the ocean current flow and the UK would gain a climate not unlike that of the Mediterranean. I wonder if they'll reconsider it...





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The day has turned out a bit hectic Family wise...........Son from Rutland showed up with his Lady and my lovely latest Granddaughter ''Charley Rose''...Nice to see them,, 


                  Then my 30 year old Grandson (who's in the Army) contacted us with an invite to go to his Birthday Party in Town.......ive declined but Wife's gone........i'm sure it will be a great family get together....


         Party in town hey.....they were the days/nights........

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Ben has your grand daughter entered a baby competition? My nephew and his family have mentioned a baby called Charley Rose and asking people to vote for her. Did see a photo and thought she must be about 6 mths old . Lovely baby.

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Must be another ''Charley Rose'..@nonnaB........ ours is only 5 weeks........but i'm sure she'd

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18 hours ago, Brew said:


I remember many years ago reading of a proposed  Russian tidal barrier scheme that would change the ocean current flow and the UK would gain a climate not unlike that of the Mediterranean. I wonder if they'll reconsider it...


They managed to make it rain after Chernobyl over guess where Ukraine, before the impact of it got to Moscow so anything is possible.

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Better Morning............might go for breakfast in Bulwell for a change...

Shopping list take with me...

2 Photo Albums...

Shaving cream..

Mouth Wash...

Shoe cleaner........

Red Socks.......

Just normal everyday items........oh nearly forgot...''Old Spice''.......:)

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Always used ''Old Spice'' since the 60s.......the girls generally loved it....the odd one would say..(while dancing close) smell like me Dad''........nowadays they say Grandad''.......:)..

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3 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:


Shopping list take with me...

2 Photo Albums...

Shaving cream..

Mouth Wash...

Shoe cleaner........

Red Socks.......

Just normal everyday items........oh nearly forgot...''Old Spice''.......:)

Couldn't find Photo Albums or Red Socks anywhere.......but had nice encounter in the lift at Tesco........

Me.........2nd floor Ladies underwear......

Lady.......Laughing as she said......''i know your face from somewhere''

Me......I know yours....did you work at Coop?

Me.......perhaps we dated back in the day........

Lady.....laughing again.....May be.........

All this made up for being disappointed about getting no Red Socks.....:biggrin:

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Yesterday went on the community bus trip 'oop north' 2 hours to Prescott. Lovely old town, the trip was to the arts and craft fair in the town square. Prescott is around a mile high, so much cooler than the desert. Mid 80's when we got there, and a lovely breeze. As we left at 3pm it just about hit 92. So much cooler than home. Our monsoons are late this summer,  we really need some rain, can you send some over.

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Just got up a few minutes ago and someone has made my day already....

Went on Facebook and a chap said 'hello'' are you the ......... (my name) who set me on at Savemore Bulwell back in 1970?.................couldnt believe it over 50 years ago and i was only there a few months........

I'm right pleased......must have left some sort of


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On 7/5/2023 at 2:24 PM, Cliff Ton said:

You've obviously all got my share because for the first time for a long while, I've had nothing this month.


And now I've gone two consecutive months with nothing from Premium Bonds. That's a new record.

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