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5 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

Now that Brexit is in progress, anyone want to comment on Megxit?

I'll start it off

I don't give a rat's rectum what they do or do not do.

Watchit Oz.


They might all become ten pound poms and move in next door to you.  :biggrin:

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HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

7 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

It is only to be hoped that, after this debacle, she doesn't dump him.  If he is only a fraction as fragile a personality as he claims to be, that would possibly push him right over the edge.  He has, arguably, had enough tragedy in his life already without any more.

She got her Prince and had her fairytale wedding but now she realises she’s had to play second fiddle to Kate Middleton.  I said before they even married that it won’t last more than 5 years and still think that.  They’ve shown no respect for the Queen and Prince Philip, good riddance to the pair of ‘em. 

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I gave the marriage one year at the outside, I was wrong, often am...LOL


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Am I the only person on Nottstalgia that wishes Harry and Meghan all the best for their new course in life?  I hope they will be able to live a happy and fulfilled life ....

No one  knows exactly what the future will hold for them but that's true for all of us....

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2 minutes ago, MargieH said:

Am I the only person on Nottstalgia that wishes Harry and Meghan all the best


Not at all Margie, I think you'll find several of us wished them well, me included but something didn't seem 'right' and I said so. I also predicted that difficulties lay ahead.


I do wish them well, I have no reason not to but just as I thought something wasn't 'right' at the beginning, something is not right now and we are a long way from knowing the ins and outs. Quite frankly it's none of my concern what's going on but they do seem determined to poke the bear..

They have every right to resign and lead whatever life they choose, just like any other person in any other job. But I do think it would have been a little more respectful to quietly fade into the background Ala Edward and Andrew, why throw a grenade? It must have been very hurtful and quite frankly - unnecessary.


Some are going to rant on about money, racism and white privilege but that's more to feed their own ego and spitefully try claiming the PC moral  high ground than any knowledge of the facts

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They have a child, so of course any sane person wishes that the relationship lasts and is strong. Too many children today have to cope with the failure of their parents' relationship and the negative consequences for them. No reasonable person would wish that on anyone. Both Harry and Meghan already know what that feels like and would surely not want their son to experience the same.

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I do wish that nothing bad befalls them, but sorry I just don't care where they go and how they get there and what they do afterwards. I am sick of seeing "stories" most, I suggest, made up about them,  even in our media.

Brexit was/is far more important than Megxit.

11 hours ago, loppylugs said:

They might all become ten pound poms and move in next door to you.  

I doubt it Loppy as we have a points based immigration system, I think Boris is planning one for the UK too and these are the criteria

  • Age - you must be under 45 when you apply;
  • English language - you should have sufficient ability in the English language to work in Australia (at least at a competent level);
  • Nominated occupation - when you apply you nominate a skilled occupation, which fits your skills and qualifications. This occupation must be found on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List;
  • Skills assessment - before you apply, you must have your skills assessed by the Australian assessing authority designated to assess your nominated occupation (which will usually have specific qualifications requirements);
  • Health assessment - you should be of reasonably good health and all applicants must have their health assessed by a panel doctor and undergo a medical examination; and
  • Character assessment - you should be of good character and this too will be assessed.
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Sorry to see on the news just now that Jess Phillips has pulled out of the chase for Labour party leadership...........would love to have seen a Prime Minister with a real West Midlands accent..............she came across as real caring and honest.....a bit of a rarity in our Politics today......Yome know ?


Went out with a few  girls when i worked there back in the day.who spoke like that........Gwyneth,,,Chelmsley Wood,,,,Margaret Alum Rock,,,,Doreen Walsall,,not forgetting Christine from Smethwick........who loved a Drambuie Shandy or

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Spot on Jill.....really did love my time around Brum,,,funny down to earth people........actually crossed the ''Menai straits'' with Doreen for a few days in Red Wharf bay,,,circa 66,,,,

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On 1/19/2020 at 1:32 PM, Jill Sparrow said:

It is only to be hoped that, after this debacle, she doesn't dump him.  If he is only a fraction as fragile a personality as he claims to be, that would possibly push him right over the edge.  He has, arguably, had enough tragedy in his life already without any more.


Jill that's what I've been thinking right from the start. I get the impression she's a social climber, she seems to be controlling him. 

" Look everyone, look where I've got myself". Hope I'm wrong but don't think so.

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OZ's post about immigration reminded me in ' 67 that I was thinking of going to work in US. On making enquiries I learned some strange things. As a hairdresser I could work in the states but first of all I had to have a visa, I couldn't get one because I hadn't a job lined up.Applying for a job was refused because I hadn't got a visa, I couldn't get a visa because I didn't have a job. So frustrated at the end I gave up going round in circles.

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I had a similar problem with Australia, no job no Visa.

So what I did after I'd filed the paperwork was subscribe to the Sydney Morning Herald and the Melbourne Age newspapers. I went through all the major companies in the employment ads. I eventually landed a job in Sydney with Joy Manufacturing, but the Consulate informed me country areas of Victoria or Tasmania.

Back to the drawing board!!  I eventually landed a job with Renison Bell as a mining electrician at their huge tin mine in Tasmania.

I had to have a medical and x ray at my own expense, then sent everything off to the Consulate. About a week later I was instructed to go to the Edinburgh Consulate for the interview, on proving I had a certain amount in my bank account I was granted my Visa. About one month later I boarded the plane and never looked back.

US was a pretty tough nut to crack, even though I'd been married to a US citizen for six years, took many, many weeks of form filling, interviews etc, but eventually granted a temporary residential visa, which was made permanent after six months.

Been here now over 30 years, still happily married to the same woman.

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The U.S is even harder to crack nowadays.

My Son (and his family) are there now, he's on his second 3 year work Visa.

When this one runs out it's pack your bags and go home, unless he's accepted for what was Green card but is now called "Lawful permanent residence" .


He's got an application in, it's expected to take around 18 months to get an answer and somewhere in the region of £20000 in legal fees being paid for by his employer.

He transfered from the U.K with that employer otherwise he wouldn't have been eligible to obtain a work Visa and he only got that because the company proved they couldn't find a U.S citizen suitably experienced to do the job.

When he applied for the first Visa someone else in the same company was refused as he didn't have a related Degree, whereas my Son does.

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I can relate to the issues with entering the US.  Athough maried to a US citizen it was difficult to get clear answers to what was required.  Luckily found a lady at the Atlanta office that did know the ropes.

we did the paperwork ourselves.  Illegals seem to be getting a free ride.

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The US immigration authorities might do well to read the writings at the base of the Statue of Liberty:



Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!


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Those days are gone jonab, caused by millions illegally crossing our southern border, those have created problems for seasonal workers from Mexico too, who are finding it hard to cross the border legally to carry out seasonal agricultural work.


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21 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

Sorry to see on the news just now that Jess Phillips has pulled out of the chase for Labour party leadership...........would love to have seen a Prime Minister with a real West Midlands accent..............she came across as real caring and honest.....a bit of a rarity in our Politics today......Yome know ?


Went out with a few  girls when i worked there back in the day.who spoke like that........Gwyneth,,,Chelmsley Wood,,,,Margaret Alum Rock,,,,Doreen Walsall,,not forgetting Christine from Smethwick........who loved a Drambuie Shandy or


Agree shame she pulled out, would have been nice to have a working class PM... I think Starmer will win it & Long Bailey runner up...

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It seems that the days of sensible immigration are gone.  used to be, you moved to a new country following their rules. Your intent was to live and work there and essentially to become an American, Australian etc.  Today the process seems to be to overun the borders.  No attempt to assimilate, just turn the new country into a carbon copy of the one you left.  Needless to say the locals don't like it and I see it leading to some serious strife before it ends

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In other news...


Nigel versus the Remainers...

Nigel : They’ve bled us white the bastards -they’ve taken every thing we had! And not just from us! From our Fathers and From our Fathers’ Fathers

"And from our Fathers Fathers’ Fathers - and from our Fathers Fathers Fathers’ Fathers"
- yeah alright Boris - don’t labour the point…

And what have they ever given us in return?

“Tariff-free trade with Japan and Canada?”


“Tariff-free trade within the Japan and Canada?”

Oh yeah yeah. They did give us that. That’s true yeah.

“Improvements in the quality of beaches and bathing water”

“Oh yeah, the water. Remember what the water used to be like Nigel”

Yeah I’ll grant you, the free trade and the bathing water are two things the EU have given us.

“And the support for rural areas”

Yeah well obviously. The support for rural areas goes without saying doesn’t it? But apart from the water, the free trade, the support for farmers…

“Tariff free trade within the EU?”

“Human Rights?”

“Global Influence?”

Yeah Yeah alright. Fair enough.

“oh and the pension transferability” “ooh yes yes yes”

“ Yeah. Yeah! That’s something we’d really miss Nigel if we left the EU”

“ A 48 hour maximum working week?”

“ health and safety legislation?”

“ Yeah they certainly know how to keep things regulated. Let’s face it - the only ones who could in a place like this!”

Alright but apart from the tariff free trade, the water, the support for farmers, human rights, global influence, pension rights, a maximum working week health and safety at work and cleaner beaches, what has the EU ever given us?

“Brought Peace?”

Oh peace?

Shut up!

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BREXIT booze up this Friday, Dawson coming over from ROI to join Mrs C & me at the Cods Scollops in Carrington followed by a  beer session at the Samuel Hall afterwards.

Come along & celebrate this great occasion.

Kick off 12.30.

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