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I've seen several news items about animals which are getting braver and more adventurous with lockdown because they have the world to themselves.


It looks like the birds have certainly got you weighed up !

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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3 hours ago, carni said:


PASTRIES, Who said PASTRIES...........Can I come Anawl. thumbsup


You're on 4 pm Sunday is that ok? It'll just give me time to make them and take a quick flight over.  I wish. 

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That is a good idea Katyjay thanks. Will put my thinking cap on and see what I can come up with. I will report back in due time. 

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SG , your post made me laugh as we had the same problem with pigeons when we moved in here. Next door have a hayloft and they used to nest in there so it use to be a problem with everything,and we didn't know what to do. Our houses are old Piedmontese farm houses so are all joined in an "L" shape. There was only us and our immediate neighbour. The other side the house had been abandoned as the owner was old and went to live with his daughter. Hence the pigeon colony grew . My husband in the meantime bought a shot gun, not to shoot the pigeons but just because he wanted one. We set up a target and took it in turns to shoot. One day there were so many pigeons sitting on the roof that I shot the gun towards them , not at them but they all flew away. Then I noticed that the pellet had gone through the window. Oops. Eventually the pigeons I suppose got fed up with the noise and we've not had any problems since. Not once were the pigeons shot at, I think I would have felt sick if I'd have killed one.

I wish we had other birds here but the only ones we see are sparrows, blackbirds occasionally robins and wood peckers. Seems that living in the middle of vineyards with all the activity frightens them away. I've put a bird feeder hanging on the well but up to now not one bird has fed.

Now the empty house has a young family living there so don't suppose the pigeons will return as there is a colony of stray cats who are just as a big nuisance as the birds . They go in the plant pots to relieve themselves. When I found out I was furious and stuck wooden skewers in the pots at angles. They stopped but still relieve themselves elsewhere. Our neighbours have 3 cats of their own but we never see them . They've fed them so they are always around. My husband is starting to feed them. I say to stop encouraging them as when we come home they are always waiting either at the car or the gates.  He feels sorry for them. Fortunately they are all sterilized . Not like before when there were 19 of them.

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"Alexa,  play1950s music" ...... lovely, I'm a teenager again!  (If it weren't for my bad back:()

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Relief, last night my mum had breathing difficulties and was rushed to hospital. They kept her under observation and did many tests. All parameters were fine but we were worried obviously. She was asimmtomatic a while ago but after the first tampone she became negative and was waiting for the second one on 16 th June. However she was taken back to the nursing home at about midnight. We are trying to see her but it's not possible at the moment, still. As her bed is near the window we have asked the nursing staff ( by appointment) if they will put her in a position where she can see the parking area and the road in front so that we can at least wave to her.

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Kath thanks , the thing that worried me really was the fact she doesn't speak or understand Italian and wondered that she thought we'd abandoned her. But there are are English speaking nurses in the hospital and there's a new nurse at the nursing home who speaks English  so at least she will have some idea. I keep writing to her to explain again and again what it's all about but obviously not that people were dying.

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Hope yours mum ok Nonna  Thinking of you x

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Thinking of you, nonna - hoping all will be well for your mum (also you and all your family,  of course) xx

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Hope you can see your mum soon Brenda and that she can give you a wave.


A miracle happened here today. Not in a stable but in a chicken coop. A 15 week old chicken laid an egg! Not supposed to start laying until 6 months old. It was a small blue egg. Unique to the breed - Araucana. We have two in our little flock. The others being Green Legged Partridge and a Vorwerk. All rare breeds. Wetted the egg's head with an appropriately named bottle of Speckled Hen with two mates on the Village Green. Daft really - three old gits in straw hats sitting on folding chairs celebrating an egg.

We did weaken though and had a serious discussion about our feelings about racial issues. A pause, for self examination............. Are we racists? Have we been hard wired as youngsters when we had all those colonies and sung Rule Brittania? In the 40's we all believed that we were superior to any none English race. Hmmmm....? I have had mates of colour since 12 years old.........but is it still there? I have two Asian mates locally. One I fish and drink with and a Gurkha who live opposite. I also have a Welshman a tight Yorkshireman and a Scouser in our circle and we all take the p...s out of each other on a regular basis. Maybe that answers my question.

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PP I think your chicken is suffering from what in human medical terms would be called ‘precocious puberty’  

On your next point, I agree that maybe we were all unconsciously programmed about white supremacy when we were at school so I appreciate what you are saying.  Most of us have hopefully come to a different conclusion as we have become older.   I  now have friends from Kenya and India, also have worked with others from Iran and from Afro Caribbean roots...   We are all just human beings- often imperfect- but still worthy of respect.  

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And to that Margie, you can add a friend in darkest Sussex.

PP, who is going to incubate the egg, or have already had it on toast. :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, PeverilPeril said:

A 15 week old chicken laid an egg! Not supposed to start laying until 6 months old


And in other news the seller also has pigs in pokes, "It's cutting me own froat guvnor but this weeks special is buy three and get two with free delivery".

He also has several very low mileage vehicles previously owned by vicars wives...  :P

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Had a run out to my beloved Bulwell just now,,,Queue from outside 'Wilko's' two metre gaps observed,,,gave the Guard (who was directing us) some banter,,told him not doing 2 metres i only work in feet and inches,,which confused him.

                           Queue again to get out,,only bought 2 plants,,,went in for a bike pump,,but only had one that you needed a degree in sumat to work,,

   Then went to Morrisons outside plant store,,got a nice selection in a Trolley Queued again,,,my turn tells me only take plastic,,,what a performance,,not used a card for about 5 years,,had to go instore and Queue again to pay with cash,,my turn...'''SORRY SIR'' baskets only  ,,wont repeat what i said ,suffice to say i refused to move and they eventually served me.........what a 'gay day'....glad to get home........

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