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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2024 in all areas

  1. Nothing like the old 50s Musicals.......Mam and Dad loved em and took me to see most of them......i'm sure thats where i get my love for music and Dance from... The 3 main Cinema's we visited were...The Vernon at Basford....Adelphi in Bulwell.....and the Mechanics in town......all easeally accesable from where we lived on Bestwood estate.......Bus stop outside our house....number 28 bus dropped us right outside the Mechanics.........Adelphi....number 17 bus 200 yards from home....dropped outside......then the Vernon in Old Basford 20 minute walk from Bestwood......halfway there on Southwa
    3 points
  2. Fine morning in Newark, busy market with plenty of stalls which is always nice to see, a strange thing on the market was this giant ironically next to the fresh fish van . sommat to do with save the whales I think unless we had one hell of a storm last night it got washed up from Skegness, Lovely walk in the sunshine around the castle garden before the clouds took over Mrs P among the tulips Shed time now so catch you all later Rog
    3 points
  3. Glad it's the weekend. I'm off for a bottomless brunch at Pitcher and Piano today with my old work friends. Thoroughly looking forward to it. Hoping it stays dry!
    3 points
  4. Just posting this to see if I can still do it. It's my next painting project...
    2 points
  5. Seven Brides is one of those films which reminds me of my childhood....not because I saw the film at the time, but because my dad had the soundtrack LP. He had a large collection of LPs ranging from classical to 'Light' to things like film soundtracks, and this is definitely one I remember. The others which stick in my mind include 'Oklahoma' and 'South Pacific'. I knew the songs and the music years before I ever saw the films.
    2 points
  6. Whale meet again? Don’t know where ………
    2 points
  7. Cats...Back in1944, whilst in France my dad used to eat 'em Rog.
    2 points
  8. I have said before on here that one of the reasons I left the UK in 1975 was the absolute stupidity and sheer bloody mindedness of the leading trade unions at the time. I was never a real supporter of them as I saw what they did in the auto and the coal industries. Here I am 50 years on and am a staunch advocate of sensible and properly led unions. I watch with amazement at how 14 years of Conservative governments has progressively destroyed the very fabric of the UK for its political mates. Australia went down the same track with the Liberal/National (Conservative) coalition forming gove
    2 points
  9. That might be the answer BK but to be honest I can’t really be bothered! I have no photos I want to share anymore - nothing anyone else would be interested in anyway. I read all the posts on NS (except the word games) but rarely post anything as I feel I’ve exhausted all my memories - at least all those that I would want to share!!! And I don’t want to keep endlessly repeating things…… I am very content with my life and will continue to enjoy reading all the threads (even though I don’t necessarily agree with - or relate to -everything I read….. ). But that’s just the same
    1 point
  10. I remember Reginald Dixon rising through the floor at the Blackpool Tower ballroom in the 50s while on holiday there.
    1 point
  11. Last time I went to see a film the cinema organ rose up through the floor. I believe they’ve got talkies now.
    1 point
  12. The last film we went to see was Octopussy ( Bond), back in the early 80s. It were a little cinema in Deal, Kent. I nodded off, so 'er indoors moved a couple of seats away, to get away from my snoring.
    1 point
  13. The first film that I can remember going to see was at the Goumont Nottingham. Not sure how old but it was with my mum and brother, the film was Bambi! what sticks in mind when his mum was shot I remember sitting there crying my eyes out, next I was laughing and laughing, at this new star called Thumper the rabbit, he was showing Bambi how to thump the pond make sure that it was frozen enough to walk on. Then the last screen was a very misty morning and this fully grown stag came out of the mist, yes it was Bambi, What a beautiful picture. Quite a few years one morning myself / master
    1 point
  14. If memory serves me correctly, it was yourself and LizzieM who showed me how to post pix via Postimage. That was back in 2019.
    1 point
  15. Just get on a hosting site (I use post image) don't cost anything, download your picture to whatever site you chose, right click on the icon for "posting to forums" then left click when you back on whatever post you on nottstalgia, I'm sure someone will be along with a better description than I just wrote but just play about with it you'll soon get the hang of it Rog
    1 point
  16. I think it’s more difficult posting pictures on here than on fb or messenger. I used to be able to do it but not any more.
    1 point
  17. Please post some pictures Lizzie. It is a place I always wanted to go to but never made it and we dont travel very far now. The train journey across Canada was the other one that I wanted to go on , so if this is on TV I always watch it.
    1 point
  18. We’re booked on an Alaska cruise later in the year, wonder what our chances of seeing a real whale are?
    1 point
  19. It's a baleencing act and if you keep on with these fishy tails you'll soon have me blubbering...
    1 point
  20. Everyone will be having a whale of a time!
    1 point
  21. This seems to be the same whale........ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-68890880
    1 point
  22. After 5 days of Man Flu I was well enough this morning for a 20 min ride and 20 min row on the indoor machines. Still congested but rowing soon clears it up. Re cats - oddly enough I like our 2 cats. Big Samson and sleek Panto. Big Samson is my mate and I protect him from Patch our Jack Russell. We spend a fortune on them in vet fees etc., in fact Panto cost us £1400 for hip surgery after he was run over. As long as we have them they will receive our care and attention - I just wish that we did not have them.
    1 point
  23. Ref unwanted cats in gardens has anyone tried one of these metal cat scarers ? I have them at the allotment and they seem to work ! I did test one on my cats and they ran off so worth a go. Amazon have them.
    1 point
  24. It's now 00.15 and only my moniker is showing on 'who's online', so I'll say good night and God Bless to anyone who tunes in. XX
    1 point
  25. Anyroad to get back on topic, today I went to the nearest petrol station (Hykeham A46) to fuel up the car, had a coffee when I got back then decided to wash the car, something therapeutic about washing the car, ran out of car shampoo so had to use next best thing which was Radox Bath Soak, I now have a very relaxed car, the monthly local magazines were delivered to me when I was doing the car and looking at the local weather forecast for tomorrow (I usually deliver the mags on a Saturday) it said heavy rain/showers so decided to deliver them today, 45 copies the other end of the village 40 min
    1 point
  26. I have only posted once/twice on this thread. As we have regular people posting maybe you can answer a few questions for me? On May 2nd its the day you vote now we have had leaflets come though our door which say Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire councils are to join forces, they say that the region will be given powers it has not had before with control over a level of funding that will enable long term improvement in the performance of the regional economy of the regional of the prosperity of its people. Question ? Did anybody ask or vote for them to join together.? not
    1 point
  27. Whether we agree with it or not at least someone is finally doing something positive and not just bleating about some ill-defined, hodgepodge plan no one, not even the proposers understand. Actually that's classic political debate. Every political party regardless will always claim to have an answer to a problem, just as they will always have a reason why it didn't work, and a place, or someone to lay the blame upon. It's not a particularly right-wing gambit. It's always been a popular axiom that something easy is "like a job on the council". An urban legen
    1 point
  28. And to make it on-topic the opening picture of the video, shows Dave Rowberry (2nd from right) who took over keyboard after Alan Price left the band. Dave was my elder brother's school pal at Henry Mellish and they formed a skiffle band from there. He either lived on Roseleigh Ave or Fernleigh Ave, Mapperley can't remember which.
    1 point
  29. So many songs/records back in the 60s were just pleasant to listen to... Happy people playing nice music and dancing with a smile.......we were so relaxed ..........easy to chat to and always ready for a dance........a refusal didnt matter you just moved on...you knew you would be lucky before the night was over.... edit..........full screen a must....
    1 point
  30. Think the word ''Legend'' is very over-used........but not in the case of Gerry... To me he is a true sound of Liverpool......... I believe this song by them made number one in the states.......sadly i think all the original 'Pacemakers'..have all left us now along with 'Gerry''.......but in my mind they are all still ''Ferrying'' across the Mersey....... Edit full screen excellent...
    1 point
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