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  1. I’m as guilty as anyone about fireworks. When the children were younger a couple of friends and I used to organise a village bonfire and firework display in the field behind the pub. We provided all the fireworks and didn’t charge admission. We had a charity collection. We still used to get moans from the freeloaders that it wasn’t spectacular enough so we packed it in. None of the moaners took it on! It does seem that fireworks today is all about loud exploding rockets, which are intensely annoying and very disturbing to animals. I’m all for banning the sale of fireworks to the public and for
  2. I'm hoping that since there are no organised displays this year, last night was it for the firework merchants. There were certainly a lot more home fireworks in my neck of the woods last night since the two local venues where organised displays are held were closed. It was foggy this morning and the added smog from the fireworks hanging in the air made it worse. As children, it was always just 5th November then it was over. Like everything else nowadays, it's become a weeks-long event. My cats are in before dark anyway and they didn't seem too bothered by the noises but several
  3. I went fishing to our club's nearest trout lake today and was surprised to see so much traffic? This evening I had a bonfire all to myself. Should have been for great Grandchildren next door but sadly they were not allowed to share the garden. They could see it from their bedroom though, so maybe something to remember.
  4. Having spent a stressful night trying to calm two terrified dogs I would cheerfully insert the fireworks into the place where the sun doesn't shine and give the big bang brigade a bonfire night to remember.
  5. I’ve just remembered I’ve got a whole load of old marine flares in the shed. I meant to let them off on bonfire night but I guess it’s a bit late now. I’ll try tomorrow and see if they’ll launch the life boat!
  6. It's almost lighting up time, loved bonfire night when a kid, better than Christmas.
  7. Time to ignite (sorry) this thread again as November 5th looms. I guess the big bonfire event on The Forest is cancelled this year due to COVID. I took the family a couple of years back and was thoroughly unimpressed. The traffic was horrendous and it took me ages to find a parking space. I also thought the funfair was tacky so although I've always loved Bonfire Night. I drove back home to Daventry feeling quite fed up. Back in the early 60s when I lived on Russell Rd the scouts used to have a decent bonfire on the Forest. IIRC it was down in the corner where Noel St. meets Gregor
  8. Probably a Bolex. Would have cost a bomb in the day and the film not cheap either. If this was a private individual they were very keen and well off. Those children at the bonfire seem well heeled.
  9. Hope your more comfy today DJ. Having a few beers can have a pain killing affect, so go for it. Anything that makes your pain bearable. A good few years ago, Chris hurt his back, whilst entertaining friends one 'Bonfire Night'. He was in agony on the floor, in those days the doctors came out, on a remark about alcohol being a pain relief, the doctor agreed, but said either whiskey or pain killers. Not Both. I'll let you guess which one he chose. Last week I made a phone appointment (FIrst time ever)with my new doctor about some results that I was waiting for. It felt
  10. We’ve never kept our dogs in cages but I don’t think it’s a problem if they start off in a cage as a puppy, during the night and when in the house alone. A good friend of mine, who sadly passed away last year, thought more of dogs and other animals than she did people but she had a cage which her dog slept in all the time, during the day the door was open but it was the dog’s refuge and was happy in there. I tell a lie actually ...... we did try our little Jack in a cage in the hope he wouldn’t wreck the house when we were out. It wasn’t a successful experiment, he fought his way out of
  11. The Forest was my playground in the early sixties when I moved to Russell Rd from Beechdale. The hard standing was great for bombing round on your bike. The grass was great for football and cricket using the wall buttresses as a wicket. The “cowshed” for meeting girls and sneaking a fag. The scouts bonfire well before that abomination that the council set up on Nov 5th where the surrounding area is gridlocked. The conker trees where I was always too late for the best ones. Goose Fair and the “untouchable” Manning girls and my favourite The Camels Hump where in winter the best sledging in the
  12. Lovely warm weather here, although a slight breeze. Went for a lovely long walk in the village this morning. Walked through the 'Bonfire Field' , two wildflower meadows and along a cinder track next to a lake. Took about an hour and it's made me feel really happy. Saw very few people out... just 3 dog walkers and about 6 other people. There were quite a few cars on the road as I walked back home, though. Why is it that having some decent exercise makes you have more energy, while sitting around doing nothing much makes you more tired!
  13. Fascinating - 70 years ago I used to walk past these factories on the way to Berridge Inf and Jnr schools. I just knew one as the Berridge Aircraft factory and remember they very occasionally put outside a box of (presumably slightly defective) ball-bearings which we used as hi-tech (and very desirable) marbles. Thanks to BigRob for the old streetmap of the immediate area - do you have a source for this and adjacent bits please? What was nice was to be reminded of the names of all those side streets off Bobbers Mill Rd which mostly no longer exist. I remember Nov 5ths, every side street w
  14. Dear Hearts, Just a short response today…oh yeah, pull the other one, it’s got bells on... (Hang on, why would the likelihood of someone being somewhat economical with the truth result in the recipient of such a communication feel that not only had one of their lower limbs been subject of a yank – not of course receiving attention from one of our brethren across the broad Atlantic. No, not that sort of Yank, more of a jerk. Although thinking about it, which I try not to do but seldom succeed, in the case of the present incumbent of Maison Blanc you can see why the two might be syn
  15. Where was Spitfire Bottoms at Blidworth when i was in the MGO car ralley club we finished there had a picnic and a bonfire this would be 1964 great times rallying in my 1960 morris 1000. After one rally we finished at the Griffins Head at Papplewick, in the small field at the side of the pub we did some driving skills contests.
  16. Not sure Margie why do we have 4 bonfire night topics? Maybe some clever clogs moderator will sort it out soon Guy Fawkes signature before & after torture, maybe we could torture anybody who starts another bonfire topic?
  17. I've 'liked' the bonfire photo 4? times now... why ARE there so many Bonfire night threads?
  18. That's me bonfire sorted, why we got 2 bonfire night topics
  19. That's me bonfire sorted, why we got 2 bonfire night topics
  20. So, here we are, bonfire night 2019. I just enjoyed reading the thread again. Have ya'll let yer bangers off yet? Seemed to be fun when we were kids. Not sure if that is true anymore.
  21. Bonfire night soon & we have 7 Bonfire Night topics to pick from or just start another &search_and_or=or&search_in=titles
  22. It's also famous for the bonfire societies that parade through it. Never been down to watch because all the roads are closed from about 3.00pm until verly late in the evening. So if you go down for shopping, you've got to get out or your stuck there for the night. Looks quite interesting on You tube.
  23. My last used tractor tyre went on the bonfire. That was spectacular. They won’t take them at the tip and anyway it wouldn’t go in the car.
  24. Build a bonfire round it Margie, then you could have baked apples .
  25. I would think Mansfield Town a bit far? Basford town not bad holds a good 1600, those pitches under the Clifton flyover always playable, until it floods, then there's always the Forest plenty of parking, but what about Goose Fair & Bonfire Night?