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  1. Exactly my point about a non native Bulwellian trying to narrate a video about Bulwell, he would have been better making a video of Radford/Hyson Green if you know what I mean Rog
  2. A few photos from a group of Urban Explorers who got in the place in 2019.
  3. I see from a former pupil on the Nottingham Lost School Friends site (Facebook) that Radford Boulevard School is to be refurbished into apartments after standing empty and unloved for some time. Could be the answer to @Beekay pondering a return to Nottingham. I've often seen former pupils of that school on the Nottingham Lost School Friends site asking whether anyone has any photos but none ever seem to emerge. Sad, really. Knowing how many Berridge School photos I've now amassed, there must have been some of Radford Boulevard School. I wonder where they all are?
  4. An ex schoolfriend of mine, who used to live near me in Radford, tried to get me onto 'Radfordtonians'. But apparently she was unsuccessful. Seems you have be on Facebook to achieve this. Ah well, it's back to tormenting Phil and Rog.
  5. Nice to see Radford Red has at least reacted to post (Margie's) even though he hasn't posted yet himself, come on RR used to love reading your posts and enjoying your take on life Rog
  6. If it had hit Radford Road you wouldn’t have noticed!
  7. Hey up Compo. It may have been Cottesmore school on Radford blvd. But I would'nt swear to it. ( Looking at activities pages, I don't rate your chances, unless your'e in to politics). There was a school right at the bottom of Lenton blvd, where we used to walk to for woodwork, but that may have been just a primary school. I cannot recall any other school in that vicinty. No doubt someone will correct me.
  8. Spent quite bit of my secondary school years at Cottesmore. Radford blvd., used part of it as extra classrooms. Not only that but that was also where we went for school dinners. At one time my mum got a job as a kitchen assistant, when I stayed for dinners, my mum would come out into the dining area and shout 'Barrie do ya want some more taters, veg, or custard eg'. I would look for corner to hide in. ( She was the same if she got on my bus, then tell everbody "That's my son drivin' "! ! )
  9. There are quite a few buildings from my earlier life which are no longer around. The house where I grew up in Clifton is still there, but my infants school was demolished around 20 years ago, and my secondary school - Fairham - bit the dust a few years ago. Yet surprisingly, they were both built after I was born. I can think of two places where I worked which have now been demolished, and none of the other buildings where I worked are still being used for the same purpose as when I was there. Yet both my grandparents houses in Lenton and Radford - both built
  10. The Hattons own the valve shop in Radford, same family?
  11. At Radford Boulevard school, in the 50s it simply a case of "Survival Of The Fittest". You battled through the best you could. It was not only some Sadist teachers but also older pupils in classes above you. The suffering age was 11 to 14
  12. The Stags are looking quite formidable at the moment but with sixteen games to go it's far from over. Stockport are favourites for the title but there's still two or three other teams who could deny them automatic promotion. If they do go up the Radford's will need to invest in the facilities. The playing surface is a priority. The next few games will be telling for Notts. There's only a few points between five or six clubs outside the playoffs so the run in is going to be fascinating. Harrogate, Newport and Salford are top of the form table with Notts third from bottom. Three games
  13. I was born in Wakefield lived in Pontefract then off to Radford Nottm then to Nuthall Notts then a big move to Moosejaw Canada then to Regina Canada still here i dont know what i am no one understands me not even the wife which is ok.
  14. What part of Radford did you live Lets? And which school was it, you walked to.? I lived off top end of Denman street, on Denton street. Stayed there until we moved to Kennington road in 1957. I'm always interested in anybody who lived in my neck of the woods, ( even though I'm a bit older than you ).
  15. I was born in the heart of Radford in the mid 50’s. I was not really aware of what was happening in my area until perhaps the early 60’s. We had an outside lavatory but it was not a deprived area at all. Walking down the street to school the noise of galvanised buckets and seeing women scrubbing their front steps was a daily occurrence. The houses were immaculate and generally well cared for. We moved away in 1971 but I was back in the general area within a year and eventually bought a nice house in 1982 not far from my childhood home but on a cul de sac and with semi and detached property, wh
  16. It’s the areas of Nottingham where the ethnic minorities are in the majority that are the most run down. Bridgford, Sherwood, Mapperley and Arnold are poles apart from Radford and Basford.
  17. Here is a picture of the Shippos osses outside the Scotholme pub on the corner of Radford Road and Gladstone Street c.1968.
  18. PUBS closing or now closed GONE The Old General Radford rd now flats The Wheatsheaf now Mc Donalds but worst of all The Loggerheads Cliff Rd QE GONE maybe next KC (King Charles) At one time St Ann's Nottm had over 50 pubs but then in the 1960s the city council dramatically began the clearance of St Ann's /Meadows /and Radford. so RIP local pubs. Gone are almost 382 pubs from Nottm city centre. Gone A singsong around the Piano and a day trip to Skeg, Shippstone, Whitbread. Home Ales, Tennant's Mansfield. Brewerys all gone. Maybe
  19. It is an area I know very well and worked there for over 7 years. 30 years ago it was rife with crack houses, drugs and street prostitution, not a place you would want to live or frequent unless you had to. There were numerous perfectly decent nice people living there, particularly towards the Mapperley Road end but in general very undesirable. The internet has rid it of much of the street vice and I’m well out of touch with the area now although I still pass through quite often having friends and relatives in Radford and Hyson Green. The old adage, location location location comes to mind and
  20. Got to be honest, but I've never heard of mixed classes in senior school. At Radford blvd., we were two seperate schools with our own access. Boys entrance was on Salibury street and the girls and infants was on Ilkeston road, where the 39 bus stop was. Ours was just a gate and steps up to the playground. Now, on Google it's shown as a car ramp.
  21. This was the one I used as a nipper. On Radford blvd., just up from our school. Nice to see its still in service. When we moved to Bulwell we joined the library on Highbury rd., opposite 360 club ( I think).
  22. Go down Radford Rd. and you can see we already are!
  23. As a schoolgirl, walking to Manning on the Thursday morning, you could smell Goose Fair roughly when you reached Radford Road. A unique admixture of fried onions, sweet candyfloss and diesel. From the Manning side of Radford Road, the fortune telling Gipsy Rose Lees were scuttling around the booths they'd set up on the forecourts of some of the large houses approaching Noel Street. The rest of them were doing the rounds of houses with baskets of clothes pegs and flowers fashioned from pink loo paper.
  24. I think the building has been demolished. The problem is that when I first saw the old photo I assumed Gregory Boulevard was the road parallel to the front of the building. It isn't; the photo is looking down Radford Road towards the Greg. Blvd junction.
  25. Yes I am correct. The two pictures above are taken from Radford Road pointing towards Gregory Boulevard. The tramline turns left BEFORE it gets to the Scoop shop. If you look at the Scoop shop from directly in front, the tram will pass to the left of the shop and the car is parked up what I must assume is/was an access road to the back of the shop(s). My dates may be wrong but Scoop was certainly AFTER it was Fred Harley. I still have the Armstrong trolley jack that my father bought from their in the late 60's/early 70's. Fred Hartley also had a huge warehouse at Hasland, (?) Chesterfield at t