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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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When I lived in London back in the '80s I used to shoot with a lad who was loaded. He had a Ferrari 308, fantastic looking like the one in the 'Magnum' series. One day we were going down together to shoot at the Dartford ranges and I was amazed when he let me drive it from Barnet down through London. The inside wasn't plush, it had no carpets and the seats those racing ones, hard as iron. The clutch was so heavy it made my foot ache. When we were returning he asked me if I wanted to drive back. No thank you.

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Phil,    Take Ben with you.  One look at his sartorial splendour and they are sure to let you have a drive.


BTW.  Just curious.  Are auto transmissions more common in the UK these days or still stick shifts?  I've just about forgotten the last time I drove a manual shift.

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I’m surprised by the number of people who still drive manual cars in the UK but yes, they are still very common. I’ve not driven manuals for years, excluding my toys like Morgans, Caterhams and Lotus which would not be much fun with an auto box. The beauty of modern autos are the flappy paddles behind the wheel so you can still hold them in lower gears on the twisties without the use of clutch. On the occasions when I have driven stick shifts I’m impressed how good the modern clutch and gearboxes systems are but I wouldn’t go back to one for a daily driver. When we generally adopt electric cars we will all be on two pedals of course.

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4 hours ago, DJ360 said:

Still trying to tidy up after the 'Great Kitchen Refurb'.


Also, so far, Mrs Col has complained about..  The new dishwasher. (Too small, too complicated), the new washing machine (too complicated), the wall cupboards (too high), the cupboard under the sink (too full of plumbing), the Induction Hob, (too complicated), the combination oven, (too complicated and too high.. can't reach it), the granite worktops (they don't drain.. dry off), the 'corner pull out' (too stiff) I hesitated to vpoint out that it was she who chose all of the above....


I suggested we get the fitter to swap the cupboard below the two ovens for the one above, thus lowering both ovens by about 250 mm.  She then complained the main oven would be too low. ( Although still higher than the one we lived with for 20 years...  ) 


I give up...

When we were having our new kitchen fitted a couple of years ago, the fitters asked me to choose the height of the wall cupboards so I did.  They'd obviously noticed that I'm only little!

I agree about the under sink cupboard, though.  Ours also has so much plumbing in it, we can't have a shelf, which we had in our previous one... I've got used to it now, though.  I'm sure Mrs Col will also get used to the new equipment  ..... or you could take over all the cooking, washing, loading the dishwasher etc?

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We were in wetherspoons yesterday when they had a visit from "Tim" he wandered around and spoke to a number of drinkers a pleasant man. He came towards us when he saw Ben, asked what kind of service dog he was my friends grandaughter (5) said its on his coat can you see. While telling him she got down on the floor to point it out, my friend went red, he just laughed and said he would know the next time.

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I wasn't as impressed with the kitchen fitter as the recommendations led me to believe I should be.  All the basics are there, but frankly, I could have done a better and neater job of the plumbing myself.. and it wouldn't have occupied half of a cupboard.  For a start, I'd have continued to use the plumbing I installed for dishwasher and washing machine, rather than bringing it all into one pipe under the sink as the fitter has done.  I'd also have used all copper.  I now have various plastic pipe joints buried under cupboards and behind immovable objects.  It doesn't inspire confidence. Everything for the easiest seems to have been the Mantra.


Still.. we live and learn.. and if I have any problems with plumbing, I'll sort them myself.


Mrs Col is insisting on keeping a step ladder in the kitchen so that she can reach stuff...  Accident waiting to happen...  Meanwhile I'm fussing about the way that an oven used once.... already has seemingly immovable marks inside.


I'm sure it will all sort itself out..

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The old adage still applies, if you want a good job doing, do it yourself, I know some folk's can't so you have to rely on the skill,or lack of it from the c!owns that pass as kitchen fitters To get the finished result. The very reason I fitted my own kitchen out was to avoid some of the problems that come with the use so called " skilled labour " .

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Went to see Andre Rieu and his Orchestra at the Arena last night. Brilliant music, entertainment and fun.

The place was absolutely packed and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Musically, there was something for everyone. Opera, classical, jazz, rock & roll, folk song, Scottish pipers, carols, the odd hymn.Tenors and sopranos, clog dancing. All utterly brilliant musicians and singers from around the world.

A far cry from litter, violence, crap tv, vulgarity, vandalism, depravity, squalor, and every other aspect of daily life. 

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Back in my DIY days, in 1984 I designed and made our kitchen units. Still going today though other things have changed. The photos below are scans from slides - the greenness due to the low light level at night.





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Happy and relieved to know that our son is relaxing in an hotel at the bottom of Kilimanjaro.  We’ve just had a chat with him now that telephone reception is marginally better.  All 8 of his climbing group made it, but lots didn’t get to the summit.  He said he got a really bad headache as he reached the top, due to lack of oxygen.   He reiterated that this challenge has been the most difficult thing he’s ever do.   



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I bet you're soooooo proud of him Lizzie. Well done lad !

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I've just finished watching Strictly, The Final. Well it was fab u lous !

13 weeks of fantastic production, glitter, entertainment, music, laughs and of course, dancing. It was won by the actor, Joe McFadden and his phenomenal partner, Katya Jones. He's had no formal dancing tuition as have some of the others, and has steadily improved from week one. Katya's choreography was absolutely stunning week in week out, and the trophy and accolades were thoroughly deserved. 

Plus we had laughs with the less talented celebrities, the judges, and guests. Tess Daly looked superb every week. Darcey Bussell is the very epitome of grace, poise and elegance, and Katya's legs and footwork were out of this world ! 

Roll on the Strictly annual tour !

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Yes it's a well done to your boy Lizzy.

How is it that although you are well organised and have every thing sorted for Christmas

you are still running around like an idiot at the last minute. I can't get any glycerine

for my icing anywhere.:angry:

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Hobbycraft (the one at Lady Bay retail park)  had some a week or so ago - the brains of our partnership sent me to get some.

Tesco have had some in the past.

Failing that, top it with candied fruit and tell them it's Saint Deliahs' lighter cake.

Either way, have a good Christmas


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Well done your lad Lizzie, very well done.


So called kitchen fitters, I say so called because there is no such trade. Usually they are joiners who have taught themselves a bit of diy plumbing.

I only know one top man in Nottm, he is a great joiner but always has a plumber and electrician in to complete those works.


Col, don't worry to much about the plastic pipes if installed correctly they will be OK for the period of the guarantee usually 50 years. I remember a few good years ago when it first came out I wouldn't touch the stuff with a barge pole, now all hidden pipe is poly and only the pipe on view is copper, purely because you can't make poly pipe look decent.


Had a lovely lunch time in the club today, Christmas songs and carols in the back ground and a great atmosphere.

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Sue B. Glycerine should be available in any Pharmacists.  Probably small bottles, but I doubt you need much. 


Lizzie.  Well done to your lad!!


Fly, I'm sorry but I can't stand Andre Reiu or worrever he's called.  All a bit too James Last for me.  But I'm glad you enjoyed it.  Strictly on the other hand.  Yep, I love it.  It's the only 'talent' type prog on the telly where you see people learning and improving, rather than 'wannabe'  pop stars who think wishing and wailing will make them famous. I have to admit that pretty laydees dancing about with their legs out is always a bit nice too.  ;)  I'm a bit of a fan of Janette Manrara.  Proper little 'pocket rocket' she is.  :)  I agree about Darcey Bussell, but whilst I'm sure Tess Daly is a lovely lady, she's not my type at all.  ( I know.. she'll be devastated when she reads this....)


NBL. Thanks for the reassurance.  The thought of those pipes going is horrific.  I'm strongly tempted to stick one of those 'Surestops' on the incoming mains.





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Our postman has just delivered a Christmas card from one of our Nottingham City labour councillors, Just how much has the exercise cost the council tax payers ? Card printing, postage to all the residents ? Gross misuse of power at the council tax payers expense.

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One of the company's i do a bit of work for have invited for a 'boys day/night'' in town before xmas.........seeing as i'm older by some 30 years and never been one for ''boys nights''.......i will be GOING.....LOL................probably won't last the pace,so does anyone know a nice quiet bar i can sneak off to where i can sit on Bar stool with nice background music and 'Wax lyrical' with some like souls ?......ya know like you see in the ?..........i'll just have to go with the flow then...........hopefully i'll remember enough of the night to tell you what happened..........:biggrin:

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