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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2015 in all areas

  1. Hope this hasn't been on these pages before ! - A bloke from Dud-loy - that vibrant and scintillating resort of the West Midlands - was invited to a fancy dress party. He decided to go in retro clothes, like those mentioned above, and to his great delight found a shop in the middle of town, that specialised in the very thing. After explaining his requirements, the shop assistant suggested "You'll need a pair of platform soles then," "Very noice," he replied. "...and flaired trousers?" "Yeah, gryte!" "Kipper tie?" "Well, thanks very much - milk and two sugars please."
    8 points
  2. Those in leadership can become very frustrated at times. I've been there. Main problem is not necessarily with any one person but just the feeling that whatever you do some will not like it and you (the leader) are the lightening rod. I've seen it often in ministry, folks get really fired up about the color of the church carpet, what version of the bible to use, the list is endless. Average stay of a preacher in any given church is 18 months. I managed 4 years at the first and 8 years at the second, and then I only left after the loss of my wife. However, there were many days I could hav
    6 points
  3. At the age of 18yrs i became a conductor on NCT, i trained, 1 weeks training, on the service 55 Bilborough to Bulwell, on the 1st day just stood in the platform watching the conductor, George Palmer, lovely man, doing his thing, this was about 1963, on the 2nd day he let me collect fares upstairs, remember those silver ticket machines, you had to unhook the front from the back and let it rest forward whilst putting in a new roll of tickets, i had run out of 3d tickets so, stood at top of stairs, started to insert ticket roll into machine, fumbled the roll after inserting first ticket into mach
    6 points
  4. I will probably get criticised or even ostracised for this thread but what's life all about if you are not prepared to put your head above the parapet occasionally. All I wanted to say was just how much calmer the threads have been today after yesterday's heated session. I admit I participated and enjoyed most of the threads, it reminded me of the good old debating society at college. It's a shame though that mature and intelligent adults cannot discuss openly all subjects that are not only interesting but effect all our daily lives. I will continue to have a banter with members who apprec
    5 points
  5. Thanks to Carni last night was the first time in years I slept for eight hours although I did have a brief nightmare during. Benjamin started dating me mam and they got married.....Benjamin became my stepdad. I woke up screaming, sweating and shouting mam, mam, mam what have you done. I have decided to go back to the 18 cups of coffee a day I couldn't take a repeat performance.
    4 points
  6. I really dont understand people saying they like the calm relaxed site ,then after things quieten down get a kick out of stirring things up,why would you want to comment if you are offended,some on here are not honest,after so many pms calling the other party,then in public Showing a different face ,if anyone pms me please be honest even if you disagree with me,one or 2 on here have emailed me when they have been down and I have tried to be supportive,I have made a very sincere good friend on here and no matter what,I have appriciated the help I have recieved .I admit that verbally dj d
    3 points
  7. I remember my first date, I would have been about 9 years old. This young blond wanted to go out with me but I didn't fancy her because she had this continual runny nose, very off putting, two candles sticks just hanging there but I did fancy her marbles. I told her if you give me your marbles, in exchange I will be your boyfriend for ever, she agreed. Within a very short time I packed her in but kept this bag of marbles.......but not for long, she had an older brother who sorted me out and retrieved her bag of marbles.
    3 points
  8. Why have we not got these beautiful ladies instead of a stupid boring noisy tram
    3 points
  9. Berridge school gold and black, i played in goal for berridge and lost most of my front teeth for my troubles , i remember dixon (mr green) our sports teacher saying "get on with it stevo we'll find your teeth at half time, nice man mr green!
    2 points
  10. The problem is that electronic communication is instantaneous. OK - you can go back and edit if (and that is the issue) IF you see that you have said something in a way that might be misconstrued. But once you have clicked "Post" or "Send" in email, text, this forum etc. it has gone. The written word is always liable to be a blunt instrument. It isn't like face to face conversation, where my tone of voice, and facial expression modify the way that you interpret what I am saying. The same is true of letters - but it takes a lot longer to write a letter. Then there is a time lapse until you can
    2 points
  11. One thing that come's to mind when thinking of naff fashion is when long strait skirt's briefly came into fashion in the 60's. Me and my besse mate( who shall remain anonymous ) brought ourselves some fabric of the market on pay day and made one. Beautiful they were with a slit up the side, or so we thought .Tottering to the Bus on our way to the Lacarno this bloke shouted ayup meduks couldn't ya find no scissors. It didn't dampen our spirits.LOL
    2 points
  12. An aunt of mine used to say " nothing rhymes with orange" sorry aunts but it doesn't.
    2 points
  13. Had a great aunt who lived next door to us, used to say to me a "watched kettle never boils" totally untrue, I tested it one day after so long it did boil and continued to do so till the bottom of it burnt out and caused the electric cooker to blow up.
    2 points
  14. Margie has already mentioned Carlton Le Willows Grammar being green/red/yellow. The ugly mob next door at CLW Tech Grammar () had a mainly brown/yellow colour scheme. When it became a Comprehensive in 1973/4, the year after I left the Grammar, the compromise uniform was blue.
    2 points
  15. I use the edit feature at times, but mainly because my rotten Ipad seems to think it knows what I want to say better than I do and changes a word to something completely irrelevant. I think we are all about the same, we don't come on here for agro, but we can't help holding strong opinions about some things. I try not to get on when I am upset about something. Call it a self imposed cooling off period. (Grin)
    2 points
  16. The good thing about posting a reply, as opposed to speaking face to face, is you can proofread your reply before hitting the post key, and look at what you wrote and think, that's not coming across how I meant it to. And tweak it a bit, that way hopefully we don't upset anyone. After all we're all of an age now where we want a quiet life, well I do! I have censored my own postings before now, so I'm not getting at anyone.
    2 points
  17. very early nottingham transport, Ripley tram on Upper Parliament St.
    2 points
  18. Lizzie #11. Late wife and I discussed what we might do if one of us were left over a cup of coffee one Saturday morning. I remember it in detail to this day. I told her if she were to find a nice guy she could love and be with, go ahead. I wouldn't be saying anything about it. She said the same for me, assuming a nice lady, that is. Some might call that a morbid conversation. Of course, neither one of us thought we would ever act on it and Al Gore had not invented the internet yet. Still felt like I was cheating though the first time I had a meeting with another lady. WN helped in
    2 points
  19. Some quick dream interpretations for you Lack of clothing: You may be apprehensive about revealing your true feelings about something and are afraid of being ridiculed or disgraced. You could be feeling vulnerable about something. Fear in a dream: this can depict a resistance to change, that you are afraid to confront unknown aspects about yourself, or that you are experiencing anxieties in your life, which obviously your were then Margie and it made such an impact on your life that you still feel that fear. Maze: This can represent life's twists and turns. It shows indecision, confusion, f
    2 points
  20. I reckon 'carnie' and 'margie' are a pair of closset 'flashers'
    2 points
  21. #2 Bookers are taking over every where, they even have Makro now but have kept the name.
    1 point
  22. It was about you. Good thing you missed it.
    1 point
  23. It can seem an inconvenient problem not being able to delete or edit your posts after a period of time, but there is at least one very good reason for it. If it was possible, some people might go back and alter something which they wrote earlier, and re-write history. They would be able to claim they never said something; they would deny they ever wrote an incriminating remark which other people definitely witnessed. They would be able to wipe their past if it suddenly became inconvenient. By not being able to get rid of history, it means that if you say something you later regret, you can
    1 point
  24. My father was a decorator and after the war, he was asked, by an old lady. if he could : "whitewash the cellar with that blue stuff; yer black-out with."
    1 point
  25. Thanks for that M.B. it was causing me a head ache.
    1 point
  26. I don't know about deleting a complete post. I think once it's on, only the mods can take it off.
    1 point
  27. I often use the edit button and if I think something that I have said could be misconstrued then I add one of the emoticons, which can add humour to what could otherwise seem like a sharp retort. like this!!!!
    1 point
  28. Re #19 - Benjamin - was it the socks that were optional extras, or just the holes?
    1 point
  29. I may have been seen to be hot headed,which is probably true,but terse remarks to the same person on the same subject came from mick2me ,obviously even mick lost is cool,now line up to tell me how that is different.
    1 point
  30. Catfan you are brave mate,but sincere.
    1 point
  31. Sorry, but at least I kept quiet about the pong, ooops lol
    1 point
  32. Hmm, I've found the edit facility seems to disappear after a while, less than half an hour or so?
    1 point
  33. Catfan this is more like my looks in the 70s
    1 point
  34. Don't know but I'm wearing the ' reverse mohican ' these days.
    1 point
  35. NO robbie,.......that was just the girls i was talking about.
    1 point
  36. Black wellies,any colour short trousers,brown pilots helmet with matching gas mask,.................Henry Whipple,Bestwood est circa 1949. optional extras,socks with holes,knitted jumper ,any colour.
    1 point
  37. Carlton-le-Willows Grammar School in 1954 when I started had pale green blouses for the girls and grey pinafore dresses. After the first couple of years we could wear a grey skirt. The blazers were dark green and the ties were mainly green with red (and yellow I think) stripes. We had to wear a green beret. There were also grey knickers!! but I can't remember these being enforced. The summer uniform was a green and white check dress although I remember that we could have one in a red, grey and white fabric in the senior school. The PE kit was dark green knickers and pale green shirt, also
    1 point
  38. N & P were taken over by Bookers in 1996.
    1 point
  39. I've been trying to get hold of one of those for many years now. I currently use a hand pump but an electric one would be much better.
    1 point
  40. #3 Benjamin - black and amber looked like black and gold. You mention Gregg at Berridge? He would be well after my time. just remembered that i won the school colours. Honoris Causa. = a good all rounder.
    1 point
  41. I KNOW ROBBIE,.................you woke me and ya mam up.
    1 point
  42. I KNOW ROBBIE,.................you woke me and ya mam up.
    1 point
  43. The two things were often the same 'bubble'.......bit early to get grumpy init,....lol.
    1 point
  44. The Gedling School (Gedling County Secondary Modern when I was there) I cant remember exactly what the "colours" were but navy blue & grey seems to come to mind Maybe some of the ex pupils of the above school will remember more?
    1 point
  45. Karlton, Aaah, We wunt do that Miduck, not on Nottstalgia. darkazana #36, Your first line and last line ( Seeing as I was roaming round the 'Bus Staion'') and not getting on any bus, seems to point to me being a mixed up Kid. Dead Right. At sixteen that describes me perfectly! Nothings changed lol
    1 point
  46. Well done Loppylugs for taking the initiative all those years ago. By joining Widownet the past 15 years have been happy for you, whereas you could have done nothing and been sad and lonely. Of course joining such groups depends on the character of an individual ....... my Dad was widowed at 66 but unfortunately there was no helping him, he wouldn't even go to the local he used to drink in with my Mum.
    1 point
  47. tony1 #1923. In the 1980s for a few years I worked in the W-ton City Center as a Butchers shop counter assistant. I can always remember that quite a few of our senior citizen customers would not have the Pork Chops without the Kidney attatched, if the kidney had come unattatched,they didn't want it. I never understood why, because they were paying the price of the weight of Pork as Kidney was cheaper. I had noticed that we never see this in shops any more, now i see why. It was forbidden. That explains it!
    1 point
  48. An interesting "Izal" article in the Independent. It is a discomfiting thing to learn that Izal loo roll is still available. Not as discomfiting as it used to be, in the days when this slightly abrasive product was routinely found in school toilets and public conveniences, the harsh price of spending a penny away from home. Today it is not – quite – so harsh. San Izal has been rebranded Izal, and the tissue seems less unforgiving than before. Make no mistake, this is not the sort of roll that the Andrex puppy would like to romp around with, but it is just a little less austere than before.
    1 point
  49. As a barber I'd love to hear some of your memories about barbers especially those old skool barbers that knew only two styles. I can remember going to Hair line on mapperley top, quite pricey for its day but the only place I can remember coming out of with some hair still intact. I can remember going to Toms on Carlton Hill I came out looking like Dave Hill from slade! I do miss the old skool smells especially the bay rum, I still have some but none of the youngsters are man enough for it yet lol. Over the years I've worked at hair line, peppers trinity square, Tony's in Arnold back to pep
    1 point
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