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  1. At last! My 'Tardis' broke down and had to walk all the way back. I love this website but am fumbling and f*rting about too much. Does the Arboretum crowd still meet up - I seem to recollect that they did once a year or so. Also, could do with lessons on competence re. website usage. Don't understand this third party business for photo displays. Think there was an Off Licence top of Sherwood St called Reeves and another further up just past the Jewish cemetery Two paper shops, wireless shop, Saracens Head and Sir Charles Napier, stamp Shop on Forest Road East. I lived on
  2. Dropped into our local Billinge ( Merseyside) Galloways at lunch time, since the ktichen is still a 'work in progress' Minced Steak Pie and a tub of Mushy Peas. Girl serving me said 'You can't beat pie and peas'. I enquired: " Have you ever had peas and mint sauce? She looked at me a bit 'gone aht'.. But.. another girl there said she'd been working in a pub in Blid'orth (She even had the pronunciation !!!) and had been asked to serve hot peas and mint sauce on Bonfire Night. She told me she thought.. 'That'll never sell...!!', but was amazed how popular it was... We
  3. More fireworks going off tonight. How many bonfire nights do the b......s want?
  4. First wife was a bit like that KJ. Her birthday was Dec 18th. Folks would say here's a combined Christmas and birthday present. Not me. More than my life was worth. . I was always struggling with fireworks for my birthday two days before bonfire night. Lol.
  5. It's said the origin for the word 'bonfire' derives from 'bone-fire' when bodies of witches & other misfits where burned instead of being buried in holy ground ....... Blinking hector should bring it back?
  6. 364 day until bonfire night & someone's letting bleddy fireworks off already
  7. 32 Years tomorrow got married.............had to do it on 'Bonfire night' court in Peterborough next morning......shan't tell ya what for Honeymoon...........all our family members said it would'nt last,....for once they were wrong............married on Shakespeare street (gold room ) had already been married in the 'red room'.a few years afore, family members attended.......but me Mam and uncle John with Auntie Eileen attended our reception at the ''Masons'' in old Basford....great night ,made our own Cobs...........pianist Harry and the regulars made our n
  8. Loppy since the incident with the firework Ben has been a little jumpy, asked vet about calming tablets and he said no. We both assume he will not be near fireworks when he is older so i will take him in the house where he can see the bonfire and fireworks. If he gets upset take him to back of house sit and watch loud tv till it's all over. Gem
  9. Bonfire night, the stars are bright, Seven little bogeymen dressed in white Can you eat a biscuit Can you smoke a pipe Can you go a courting At 10 o'clock at night. I never understood the relevance of this little children's song and before anyone corrects me and says it is angels dressed in white, you would be hard pushed to find angels round where I lived as a kid.
  10. As it's November just had to bring back this "Topic" Bonfire night and fireworks, Can remember little imps bangers 1d, Catharine wheels 3d, rockets that made you jump when the went sky wards 6d 1/-, roman candles 3d to 6d, the jumping jack 3d that followed you every were, and many more. We used to have 1d for the guy but they said that it was begging (it would take at least a week to make the guy and borrow the pram to sit it in) now we have Hallowe'en which the children enjoy but is this not also begging? Going back to why we had "Bonfire Night" maybe! just mayb
  11. Oh well, the City Council desecrated the Old Market Square as we knew it (and loved) to build that big empty characterless space to hold events. Suppose Bonfire Night would fit that description.
  12. They shouldn't put that tree up yet. The local Chavs might pinch it for their bonfire.
  13. Disgraceful. But that's NCC for you. I've said it before. I can't start to think about Christmas until the embers on the Nov 5th bonfire have died. As for Halloween, it's just another excuse to get people to spend money like grandparents day. Bleddy American marketeers. Just so you don't think I'm a total miserable git I should add we do give sweets to trick and treaters and we do have carved pumpkins on display but I can't say it floats my boat. I went in a card shop in the US a few years back and saw a Happy Circumcision Day card. How long before they turn up here? I
  14. Currently, fireworks being let off weeks prior to Bonfire Night, and the succession of petrified dogs consequently barking. Yes, I know we now must embrace Diwali, and other alien customs, but surely fireworks can be manufactured that don't bang !
  15. I can remember collecting cardboard boxes, crates, bits of wood, and any thing else that would burn for weeks before bonfire Night. I used to save my pocket money for weeks to buy Standard Fireworks from the newsagents on Ilkeston Road (opposite the picture house). Can't remember his name though. I lived in Radford on Faraday Road, around the corner from Miall Street. We used to build a big bonfire in the street just outside Camms Coaches garage which just about everybody in the street came to. Bonfire Toffee, Toffee Apples, and the smell of fireworks. Heaven!
  16. MMMM roast chestnuts, bonfire toffee and the smell of fireworks and bonfire smoke all through your clothes and hair The health and safety Stasi would have gone loopy about what we did on bonfire night and the nights leading up to it in the 60's
  17. The enjoyable but unseasonal warm days of last week have given way to the misty, damp, cooler weather which has started me thinking about Bonfire Night. Haloween didn't really feature when I was kid (I was born in 1950) but Bonfire Night was a brilliant event which I really looked forward to. IIRC some of the newsagents around Forest Fields started selling fireworks in early October certainly before Goose Fair was over. Remember when if the 5th of November fell on a Sunday (which it did in 1961) the celebrations were moved usually to the Saturday? I can't remember when that wen
  18. With Bonfire night approaching I remember something else I discovered as a kid with my bike. I bought a pack of bangers, took my bike onto the Forest, laid it on its side, removed the handlebar grip from the end of the bar, lit a banger, popped the banger into the handlebar and then quickly pushed the handlebar grip back on. It went off with a hell of a bang and shot the grip high into the air! Great fun if a little risky.
  19. Day 6 in Tenerife I can report smoking ain't gone out of fashion here with the oldies (mostly Jerrys & Swiss) Every morning all I can hear is the flicking of lighters then coughing thier guts up & gobbing off the balcony, smells like a bonfire, I could get a job here blowing up lilos
  20. I know it's a long way to go but if you ever visit Weymouth, Bennett's on the waterfront do superb fish & chips. We have a chippy here in Daventry called Trawlers which takes some beating too. My favourite chip shop in Nottingham was Carsons on the corner of Berridge/Ewart Rd. It features in the 70s film The Ragman's Daughter. When I moved to Forest Fields in 1961 I used to have a 4d mix of chips, mushy peas and batter bits. These days if I have fish and chips after 7 o'clock I get bleddy awful indigestion. Little bit early I know but all this talk of chips and mushy peas is maki
  21. BilboroughShirley, this is a photo of Grainger Street which, as you can see from Cliff Ton's map, is a couple of streets away. The space on the right of Moreland Street was wasteland and the space at the bottom, between Moreland Street and Holme Street was also wasteland. This is the place where we had our bonfire every year and everyone from the area used to come to it. In the bottom right hand corner of Cliff ton's map, on Freeth Street, you will see a space. This is where the fuel depot was and when the bonfire was blazing away you'd always get the fire brigade come flying down Moreland Str
  22. Forgot about the cherry lips, those were good. I must look up your Wife's Bar Six, I haven't heard of it. Hmm, making bonfire toffee, now that's an idea *off to look up recipes*
  23. I love "genuine" bonfire toffee although I haven't seen it for ages. I've made it myself for a few years now on November 5th and it's always popular with the family. The edges are almost as sharp as glass which I guess is why it's no longer available. I never took to Parma violets or floral gums but I enjoyed cherry lips which were also quite fragrant. My wife always goes on about Bar Six. She says it was nicer than Kit Kat. My personal favourite was Cadbury's Lucky Numbers a chocolate assortment a bit like Quality Street. They didn't last long. I remember my cousins and I
  24. My favourites where, bonfire toffee (not the preformed sweets, the proper stuff, in shards) rhubarb & custards, sugar mice, mojos (spearmint - the best) fruit salads, the "cigarettes" (very un-PC now) the big Easter eggs (especially the Quality Street one) parma violets, drumsticks, Mr Freeze pops, sticks of rock from the seaside, sugar dummies, lemon sherbets, monster munch, frazzles, scampi crisps, 99s with a flake from the icecream man, cornettos, pepperoni sticks, prawn cocktail crisps, dip dabs, space dust (crackle - pop!) floral gums, jelly lager and beer bottles (again, not PC these
  25. When I was a lad Just one more time before I croak, Take me back to childhood. The early post-war years evoke, My memories in full flood. Oh to walk through Broxtowe woods, With bluebells as my carpet. To hear steam trains, shunting goods, Catch minnows in a fish net. To play on street till darkness fall, Dobbie or such games, Till we heard our mothers call, One by one our names. Then listen to Dick Barton, With pals Jock and Snowy. Will he manage to escape? Yes h