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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2017 in Posts

  1. This feeder is about 8/9ft away from where I am sitting. We had almost given up on getting a birdie photo, due to how close to feeder is to where I sit. The birds do feed, but as soon as I move my arm to pick my camera up, they fly away. This little Robin just made my day.
    9 points
  2. Ben card 12. An MG NA Airline Coupe and a Morris 8 van. The car is still in existence.
    9 points
  3. I'm the first to agree we need "banter" (whatever it is). If the site was only about Nottingham and absolutely nothing else, it would become a bit academic and serious and only suitable for anoraks. The trick is to get the balance right, and that is where it sometimes comes unstuck. Every time you think the Nottm subjects have been exhausted, somebody comes up with a topic which - amazingly - no-one had thought of before. And crucially, those are the subjects which get newcomers to the site, because they want to find out about their ancestors who lived in Lenton in 1920, or they want to be r
    8 points
  4. I completely agree with you CliffTon. I still find this new set-up a real pain, having to scroll down looking for a topic I want to read and seeing pages of Word Games. I used to spend a lot of my time wasted on the Word Games, it became an obsession a few years ago and that’s the only reason I have registered so many posts on Nottstalgia. Like Carni I got fed up with the same old words cropping up time and time again with only a handful of people taking part. Thank goodness I weaned myself off it. I’m interested in what everyone gets up to during their day but naturally there
    7 points
  5. Here are Kev's funeral arrangements, if anyone wants to attend. I asked Martine if she'd like me to put this up, she said yes. Kev's funeral arrangements are as follows; it is open for all to attend who wish to.21st December, 12.30pm at Bramcote Crematorium.NO FORMAL DRESS PLEASE (no black suits, bright colours preferable, whatever you're comfy in).On the day, guests will be given time to write a message on Kev's coffin during the service if they so wish. Please think of what you wish to write in advance, to ensure all who wish to have time to do so.No flowers please - donations w
    6 points
  6. Spot on Carnie...........and i reckon Nottingham is the world Capital of ''Banter''...........saw a chap in Bulwell this morning who i played football with in the 70s had not seen him since those days..........we walked towards each other and were both smiling.......his first words to me were......hey Ben (paul) you were crap on Saturday''..........i answered ''so were you Ken''..........and don't care if its not British, both hugged each other.......a magic moment............
    5 points
  7. Must admit Terry a lot of threads don't interest me......but i do read them and like to take the occasional 'wee wee' and love it when the way members don't take offence.........its not meant to be offensive anyway........also enjoy having the 'Wee' taken out of myself............we have all sorts on here,most fairly normal........but not all.........if people like the word games so be it ,i find em boring ,anything mechanical and DIY does me head in,........not interested in Cooking and what folk have eaten today..........i probably get on folks nerves with me Marsdens days.....and shoplifter
    5 points
  8. Every time I look its full of bleddy keep one/song association its relentless, so I don't bother posting what I was going to post. I've just notice they both been given the clip, nice one whoever the sensible mod was.
    5 points
  9. She`ll go bleddy bonkers when she get home from work, recipe said put the casserole in 180 degrees, now its all over the bottom of the oven.
    4 points
  10. I did used to enjoy the games threads, but found I had got to the stage where I was just repeating what I added in earlier posts, so I stopped, doing them. I read every ones posts and join in if I'm interested, but some off them are subjects I know nothing about, so I just move on. Life can be a bit serious in reality sometimes and NS, is my escape route, so I try not to get involved in any topics that are too heavy. I do miss a lot of the talk about Nottingham, but I understand that most of us have exhausted our supply of memories, I know I have already used up most of my memories
    4 points
  11. If every topic and post were only about Nottingham I think the site would dry up or become a fraction of it's size. There is often a spark of recollection about Nottingham related subjects when talking about general every day matters with other Nottingham people. 'Hows your day' - for instance. I skip several threads that, on the surface are 'nothing Nottingham' - bet I've missed a nugget or two
    4 points
  12. Don't know about baby talk, but I do hear folk having quite long conversations with their dogs "Come on Tyson don't go in the mud you'll get it all over the carpet" "Tyson stop doing that, I'm not having you lick me after licking them, dirty boy" as if the barmy dog knows what your saying!
    4 points
  13. I was beginning to think our Robin wasn't coming back from Carni's today but he just turned up and started feeding from the third use butter tub,1st butter,2nd planting melon seeds,3rd bird feeder and a Chaffinch and a Blue Tit and a Starling It seems the old butter/seed tray/bird feeder is attracting more attention than a proper bird feeder Rog
    4 points
  14. Christmas looking like this. Strathpeffer on Saturday morning:
    4 points
  15. I took this photo over the weekend in Strathpeffer, Easter Ross. It reminded me of Christmas as a young lad when we did occasionally have snow. Anyway - I couldn't think of a better place to post it so here it is:
    4 points
  16. Yesterday at around 2.30pm, we had ventured out (just for a break) and drove to 'Home Bargains' on the Stafford Road, about two miles from home. We had to drive very slowly but it was possible. The snow was still coming down, and the checkout lady informed us that all Buses and Taxis in W-ton had stopped running. The staff were concerned as to how they were going to get home, I asked if their employers would help, she shrugged and said we will see. The prospect was that they would have to make their own way? It got me thinking back to the 1960s. How did we get on, not o
    4 points
  17. Although some disparage 'baby talk' most of us grew up with it and it looks to me like most of you lot ave turned out alright in spite of it.
    3 points
  18. It were me. The games had accumulated because I haven't been here much recently; like others, I lost enthusiasm and couldn't be bothered.
    3 points
  19. Do the NS collective have any thoughts on this ? I've had arthritic hips (mild) for a couple of years & just put up with it, just lately been playing up a bit. Mrs C suggested I let her massage my hips with lavender essential oil, surprisingly now had 2 completely pain free nights ! It worked for me fine.
    2 points
  20. ^^^^^^^^^^Its not just words LL it can be actions put a Barbour on near my springer and all hell would break loose, so I could only ever wear mine when we were off to the field. And what ever you do don't say damn whilst eating your lunch he would be under the table and round your feet in a flash. My Akita was the same with a red outdoor coat, to her that meant going for a walk, that was another coat I couldn't wear except for one purpose.
    2 points
  21. Round yours in the morning catfan............ain't got Arthritic Hips........but would enjoy Sue's massage..............
    2 points
  22. I think I know what you mean "lost enthusiasm" I try to post sommat different but not always nostalgic and not everyone has the same tastes as me and some of my posts never get a response but I keep trying,I know there is only so much history about our great city you can write about so perhaps that's where the history/nostalgic content is losing out,some of the older/historical posts have been resurrected to try and generate some more comments from our newer members but most of them are short lived. I don't know the answer on how to generate enthusiasm but I'll keep searching as I'm sure a lot
    2 points
  23. I can't 'like' your post Carni, but I can imagine it all as you described...
    2 points
  24. I see all so called celebrities pop their cogs & the sudden out cry of grief & I don't get it ...... But I did like old Cheggers Rest In Peace Youth much love x
    2 points
  25. In our house a raised hand meant a slapped arse.
    2 points
  26. It's been very quiet on here just lately,not many people posting, I suppose you're all out Christmas shopping or whatever, I have a quick look on here every time I come in from a ride or messing about in the shed or garden, and sometimes very little if anything has been posted, still it might pick up after Christmas,whatever the reason Notts folk are still the best and it's great to read your posts and especially your sense of humour,(they don't seem to have any of that out here,) take care you lot Rog
    2 points
  27. Here's a collection I found elsewhere:
    2 points
  28. Bit of amusement watching the birds fighting over the dozen apples I put out this morning. Four Fieldfairs, one Thrush, two Starlings(what are they doing here?), one Magpie and a dozen or so Blackbirds. The Fieldfairs have come down from Scotland and they are quite fierce. A big Fieldfair guards her 'stash' of three apples from all comers. The Blackbirds have no chance, although I'm beginning to see how they sneak behind boss bird while she is busy shooing others away. I suspect teamwork and decoys. Went up to the shed to retrieve a bike I wanted to photograph but it is behind a pile of chairs
    2 points
  29. Can’t agree more. Best to start them off talking English - if they are English of course!
    2 points
  30. Then parents wonder why their kids grow up stupid.
    2 points
  31. Just eight miles today, it is quite cold out here and there's a lot of ice on the roads, had the trike sideways quite a few times but that was only on the cycle/footpath,good fun though drifting on a trike, should have had the action camera on, bit of wheel spin in odd places but nowt to spoil the ride, there was one bloke throwing grit/salt on the cycle path near the village hall, threw a shovel full over me,said he didn't see me,then another bloke in the next village shouted "excuse me" I thought he wanted to talk about the trike,wrong, he said my flashing front light was dangerous, it could
    2 points
  32. My wife, a schoolteacher, would not have our children baby-talked at any price. My mother always did the moo cow, bo bo stuff. That caused a lot of friction!
    2 points
  33. If it works for you then that's great,I don't dismiss things I have no knowledge of but willing to try most,don't want to think anyone is in pain Rog
    1 point
  34. Of course he does. lots of words we cannot say like 'walk, or out, or ball. They are up like shot and they know a lot more than we think. If we drop a pea from a dinner plate never say, Pea on the floor.
    1 point
  35. Similia similibus curentur (like cures like) is the basic tenet of homeopathy and there will be as many rubbbish the idea as there will be those who swear it works. An in-law worked for Weleda in Ilkeston so we had all sorts of pills and potions but I can't with hand on heart say any of them did any good (the pills are 99.999% sugar). Lets face it most common ailments clear up without taking anything within a few days so do the pills work? who can tell. I used to tease her that if like cures like and she broke her leg, I'll break the other one and see what happens. It's basica
    1 point
  36. I agree with radfordred, if it's not that, then it's daily diary posting, something that doesn't interest me. To those who haven't noticed Nottstalgia is the key word.
    1 point
  37. Plantfit, yer bloomin' show off! Seems like even the dickie bods like Lurpak I have just put my Lurpak into another dish, I will now fill the tub with seeds and watch the action. Just edited to add. I put a handful of Raisins out, on the table just below the feeder and a Blackbird has just stood and eaten four, downed them whole. Where's my camera.
    1 point
  38. Schlumbergera truncata and S. × buckleyi are the two species of epiphytic cacti that are both commonly known as Christmas cactus. So called because they flower from late November to late January, they give a wonderful Christmas display or are an ideal Christmas gift. The Easter cactus is Schlumbergera Gaertneri - similar but later flowering.
    1 point
  39. You are mostly just not equipped for it in the UK. It's like that here in the South. Two inches of snow and everything stops. Schools are closed etc.. Everyone starts blaming somebody from the president on down. In Edmonton the first snow often fell in November. It never truly melted until about March of the next year. There were plenty of snow plows and folks just went on with life. One or two inches of snow as considered a snow flurry and the weather forecast would not even mention it. Tough us Canadians are. . Especially if we came from Nottingham.
    1 point
  40. Don't remember much except me mam referring to cars as Pappaps. Dogs as Bow wows.
    1 point
  41. I always do my best ! Bells before bedtime last night. Oh ! No ice in it.
    1 point
  42. I hate to see so called intelligent and responsible people drooling over babies, and twiddling their lips, and going Boo, Boo, Boo, and other ridiculous noises. It must scare the bu66ers almost to death.
    1 point
  43. Bl**dy heck, the coldest temperature in the UK was at Dalwhinnie in Scotland at -12.4 degrees. Ice in your scotch is ok but I don't want the whole bottle frozen. God help us if it gets to -26 then the scotch is likely to freeze. That would be a disaster
    1 point
  44. Oz, sorry I cannot identify the advert on the original card. It looks like the first letter is M. Being a village store, perhaps it is not a barrel but an tub of something, with a pressed-in lid. The scene is dated as 1930s. Commo. Twelve more to come - some with chuff-chuffs in the pictures.
    1 point
  45. Chulla, love these Wheatland illustrations, a true blast of nostalgia for Nottstalgia!
    1 point
  46. View all to myself Col, I cut the grass just the other side of the fence,full length of garden about 30 feet and out in the field for about 10 feet,( just to make it look a bit tidy) about a mile and half beyond the trees you see is the next village Bassingham and on the right nothing till you get to Navenby about 6 miles away and on the left nothing till you get to Coddington 8 miles away, it is nice all year round not just summer Rog
    1 point
  47. Last night on BBC4 an excellent programme: The Secrets of Quantum Physics. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04tr9x9 The link is to iPlayer. Well worth watching. Also my son sent me a link to a Youtube clip: Christmas songs for scientists. The last part is funny and very clever., starting at about 2 minutes 10 seconds: O Black-holy night! https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwibl-aeiP7XAhWTF8AKHTgLD7cQtwIIJzAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DH6hpJzK5vUo&usg=A
    1 point
  48. I remember Packmount compo...........think their home ground was on the Embankment...........def not a Basford team........you probably saw them at Mill street playing Basford United............from memory they were a top team 50s and 60s
    1 point
  49. Made my day to day... The look on a landlords face when I arrived at one of his properties as he was fitting a second hand boiler for one of his tenants. It got even better when he'd stopped spluttering and I introduced my two companions one man from the ......Gas Safe Register....and one man from the gas dept of the HSE. Better still when I was able to point these two in the direction of a house 3 doors up where I suspected the same thing had happened some time ago Confirmed. It's took some time, nearly 6 years to catch this bugger but today GOTCHA big time.
    1 point
  50. Christmas is ok, till they start dragging religion into it
    1 point
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