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  1. The only pictures I used to visit in the Meadows was The Grove on Kirk White St. I remember one film about Bonfire Night, someone in a Guy Fawkes suit and mask getting stuck on the bonfire and going up in smoke. Don't know what they were doing showing that to little kids, gave me the bleddy heeby-jeebies for ages
  2. I have fond memories of the hours of fun with friends in the sandy banks! In about 1956 my grandfather was out walking with his friends. They went up the lane towards Strelley and then across a field. Grandfather had a massive heart attack. His friend had to go to a farm to phone for an ambulance and the ambulance had difficulty getting across the field. They had to carry grandfather. I am guessing that it may have been Catstone Hill Farm. From your description Steve I wonder if they had a phone at that time. When it was getting close to bonfire night my friends and I used to go up Sandy
  3. Where I lived in Rossington we were near a pub so had firework displays (the bonfire night fireworks started about a week before and continued every night until the proper night) at every opportunity, Christmas, new year, bonfire night, birthday parties held there etc. Really thought the landlord was fixated on them and the louder the better. My two dogs were never bothered until one night I let them out and the pub suddenly let off a firework (there hadn’t been any that night until then) which exploded right over my back garden. Since then they have been a bit jittery when they hear fireworks
  4. Hi folks, I'm back. Had problems with the old tablet, then got involved with work and doing jobs at home so didn't get time to get on the site. Now I'm on vacation for a few well earned the tablet sorted but forgot my password,durr, now just reset it and back up and running again. Hope you're all fine and looking forward to Christmas, methinks that they should start the countdown earlier so that people don't forget.they seem to have left it till at least a week before bonfire night this year. About Easter time would be about right,anyone else agree/disagree?
  5. On old rear entrance buses....being on the front seat downstairs and looking through the window to watch the driver in his cab. Standing in the window sill - behind the curtains - in the living room on bonfire night watching the fireworks going off. Waking up every few minutes on christmas night to see if the sack at the end of the bed was now full rather than empty.
  6. Muffin The Mule Steam Trains Massive Christmas selection boxes Foggy mornings The Co-Op Christmas Grotto Tony Hateley and Jeff Astle Bonfire Night on the 5th November Boots D10 in the 60s Dad's pork pie ritual on Christmas morning Old Spice Mum smelling of peppermints when we went out
  7. Two or three times a year we see notices put up in various town and communes asking for the local populace to volunteer to take part in various 'antiques' programmes for UK television. This usually involves a quite comprehensive TV crew who set up a supposed market in the village or town square (or any convenient bit of land) and the locals can come along and dispose of their unwanted rubbish and junk - which seems to have great appeal for British TV wannabes. This is not a normal French activity, folks. It's made entirely for UK TV. I went to one of these markets in Bar sur Loup a couple of y
  8. They did that at the side of St Stephens Sneinton.Where else would light a bonfire but in the middle of the road? Fire Brigade took a dim view of it but it was just as exciting to us young 'uns watching them put it out.
  9. Remember remember the 5th of November. Why we now got 2 bonfire night treads?
  10. We don’t have village bonfires any more. Our parish council would go spare if there was a burnt patch on their precious Glebe Field. Years ago, when our kids and their friends were much younger, I and a bunch of fathers used to organise spectacular village bonfire events. None of the current batch of parents seem to have much go in them. They’re probably totally indoctrinated in today’s health and safety culture. Way back in 1962 we had the bonfire on our field and my father, who was very rigourous in car oil changes, had a large quantity of used sump oil which he poured over the fire on the a
  11. Can't beat a bonfire on the road and melt the tarmac, them were the days.
  12. Our village Firework/bonfire was on Friday and the next village's event - less than half a mile away - was last night. I suppose they arranged it like that to maximise their profits (£5 adults and £2.50 child, although 2 kids could get in free if they brought a guy to put on the bonfire.) I helped our 2 littlies to make a guy last week , so they got in free. I didn't go as I'm not paying to watch fireworks when I can see them perfectly well out of my window! I expect there will be some more fireworks tonight as it's the 5th. If our cats are inside when they hear a bang, the
  13. I'll always remember spuds 'cooked' in the ashes of the bonfire - burnt black on the outside and totally raw (perhaps even still cold) on the inside.
  14. Only ever had sparklers when I was a child. I've always hated anything loud...including a few folks I've met in my never had anything explosive. I really preferred the bonfire and jacket potatoes with butter! Yum. Still like bonfires and have been piling up garden refuse ready for a fire later in the year. Probably near to the winter solstice which is a psychological barrier I'm always glad to cross. There's something very liberating about a bonfire but I always sift through for wildlife first. Cats aren't allowed outdoors for the bonfire but I usually raise a glass of red to bid fa
  15. I guess I miss bonfire night as we used to celebrate it. With my birthday being on the third a lot of relatives used to buy me a box of fireworks. I was ok with that for a number of years until I began to realize that this was a cheap birthday present. Somehow or other we all seemed to manage without serous burns or parts of our anatomy being blown off.
  16. Just had my bonfire. Lit at 1.30 and still blazing. I normally have them regularly but this represented a years worth of fallen branches, tree prunings, fence panels and general rubbish so it was quite a size. I thought it might be a bit damp but half a gallon of old tractor sump oil and a gas torch was all that was needed. Far enough away from habitations so as not to cause a nuisance and the smoke went straight up to add to the CO2 and particulates already up there. How else could I get rid? Lots of 20 mile round car journeys to the tip? Petrol used in the shredder?
  17. Ian 123 your not going to believe this just before master had his heart attack, on bonfire night my son and his wife were at a friends house and some one threw a firework close to the garage where there was a can of petrol and my son tried to kick the can out of the way what he did not know was that the top had not been put back on, he was in flames in no time at all as it happens his wife got the hosepipe and kept putting water on him also asking the people that were there to get wet towels, she saved his life. Its not nice getting a phone call about three in the morning and having to
  18. If you enjoy dangerous pastimes, try throwing an aerosol paint can into a bonfire like my son did a few years ago. The distance it travelled was remarkable.
  19. How about bed bugs? Any of you experienced them? We did, a very traumatic experience and very costly to get rid of them. The infestation occurred at the time when our sons (and their pals, who stayed at our house regularly) were travelling overseas a lot, the bugs must have hitchhiked their way back in rucksacks etc. We were ruthless when we discovered the problem, apart from getting an expert in to spray every piece of furniture and nook and cranny, we had a big bonfire and burnt most of the beds. Our sons still travel the world extensively but as they have their own homes they don
  20. A Reliant Robin Tale. Back in the late 60s went for a caving weekend in South Wales a variety of vehicles were there from Land Rover to Austin Champs amongst them a Robin, I had hired a new Cortina as I had the wife to be with me, we were camped down in a steep sided valley with only a muddy track for access. Returning from the pub on Saturday night, we had a bonfire party and went to bed. During the night it threw it down, that bad the lady and I retired to the front seats of the Cortina. Sunday morning it was still siling it down and as the cave could be affected by w
  21. Bit late to post this now but I hope you all enjoy just the same. I moved from Elstree Drive in Beechdale to Russell Road Forest Fields in the summer of 1961 ready to start at Forest Field Grammar School in the autumn. The Victorian terraces with outside toilets and cellars were quite a contrast to the 1930's semi I was used to in leafy Beechdale. I soon made friends and enjoyed living close to the Forest and Goose Fair. The most striking thing to me was the cobbled streets. I was very nervous about riding my bike over them but soon got used to it although my bum was sore for a while. It w
  22. I’m with Ian and Margie on this one. We downsized considerably 14 years ago when we moved to Nottingham. What we had before was a brilliant place for our boys to grow up in and we had everybody elses kids round a lot of the time too to utilise the facilities we had. That was fine by us as we knew where our teenage boys were most of the time. When the boys had finished at university and buying their own properties we rattled around the house a bit and just keeping on top of everything was becoming a real bind so it was time to move. We’d accumulated so much stuff because we had the space to
  23. The last time I took a list of ingredients like that to Boots they refused to serve me. It was the day before bonfire night and I was only twelve!
  24. Im going to enjoy seeing them sheepshaggers get beat week in week out next season Build a bonfire, Build a bonfire, Put the derby on the top, Put the County in the middle And burn the f**king lot.
  25. Martyn

    Ainsley Estate

    I was born on Ainsley Estate in 1950, went to Robert Shaw, Peoples College Secondary Technical School and when that closed down to Sea School then to sea at age 16 coming back to the estate when on leave. I came across this site and read the postings and recognized a lot of names. I can answer at least one of the questions. The bonfire at New Bridge did not just appear it was made of trees cut down fromTadpole Lane and Bluebell Woods, towed back along Beachdale Road tied to the back of a bike, along with card board boxes taken at night from the back of the CO-OP. The boys in charge